Saturday, January 28, 2012
Ode to Sugar
Dear Sugar,
It has been five days since I broke up with you. I know, it was sudden and abrupt. We have been through so much together and have been especially close since the holidays. You have been there for me when I needed you, and even when I didn't. I know on Sunday it seemed like our love was only growing stronger. My coffee creamer, brownies, hot chocolate, and ice cream indulgences only showed that my love was strengthening. In reality I was getting ready to say good-bye to you for thirty days. I was hoping I could make our love last. Alas, like most good things, there can be too much of it. I was enjoying your company too much. You were a part of my life in ways that I didn't even realize....that chocolate chip when I get something out of the pantry, that dab of honey on peanut butter toast. You brought me joy, but you also allowed me to continue to drag around this flat tire around my waist. You brought me happiness, but also cavities. So, on Monday morning, I said a temporary goodbye. I need to retrain my brain and body not to want and need you so much. Oh, but I do miss you so (SO SO SO) much. I hope that this is not goodbye forever, but only so long for a while. I want you to know though, that I am hoping to change and I may not need or want you in my life the same way as before. I may only want you on occasion. I hope that I do not continue to pine for you as I do now. But for now, my friend, my love, know that I am still thinking of you, and wanting you back in my life ever so much. I miss you.
It has been five days since I broke up with you. I know, it was sudden and abrupt. We have been through so much together and have been especially close since the holidays. You have been there for me when I needed you, and even when I didn't. I know on Sunday it seemed like our love was only growing stronger. My coffee creamer, brownies, hot chocolate, and ice cream indulgences only showed that my love was strengthening. In reality I was getting ready to say good-bye to you for thirty days. I was hoping I could make our love last. Alas, like most good things, there can be too much of it. I was enjoying your company too much. You were a part of my life in ways that I didn't even realize....that chocolate chip when I get something out of the pantry, that dab of honey on peanut butter toast. You brought me joy, but you also allowed me to continue to drag around this flat tire around my waist. You brought me happiness, but also cavities. So, on Monday morning, I said a temporary goodbye. I need to retrain my brain and body not to want and need you so much. Oh, but I do miss you so (SO SO SO) much. I hope that this is not goodbye forever, but only so long for a while. I want you to know though, that I am hoping to change and I may not need or want you in my life the same way as before. I may only want you on occasion. I hope that I do not continue to pine for you as I do now. But for now, my friend, my love, know that I am still thinking of you, and wanting you back in my life ever so much. I miss you.
Monday, January 23, 2012
2011 Recap
I saw this yearly recap on Rage Against the Minivan and thought it looked like fun. Here's mine!
1. What did you do in 2011 that you’d never done before?
I did a 365 photo project. I took a photo (at least one!) every day for the entire year. There were three days that I totally and completely forgot which really irks me, but I'm proud to say I stuck it out! I still have to finish uploading the photos and editing them...I'm still working on June! :) I'll hopefully bind them into a book. I LOVE having all of these little moments captured.
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
My resolution was to have more discipline. Mainly in spiritual matters, but also as far as being a more disciplined mom and wife and completing tasks around the house. Let's just say this is also my resolution for this year. :)
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yes. There are always tons of people I know giving birth! We are in the military community and most people are around those child-bearing years. I can't even begin to list them or I would be in trouble for forgetting someone. :) I also had one close friend adopt this year and that was fun to finally see their dream of becoming parents realized in that way.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
No. Phew!
5. What countries did you visit?
Japan! (We lived there)
6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?
Besides self discipline? :)
7. What dates from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
The day that Alex got a family. The day that we left Japan. The day my son started Kindergarten. The day I started homeschooling my daughter for preschool. The day my husband finished a training he had been working toward for a long time. Those are just off of the top of my head. :)
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Losing the baby weight I had been carrying around for a year.
9. What was your biggest failure?
See #2
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Nothing too significant, thankfully. Shin splints and some asthma attacks in Japan.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
Our new to us Honda Odyssey minivan.
12. Where did most of your money go?
See #11. Also some of our furniture and other items got mold damage when it shipped from Japan back to the U.S. We got reimbursed for it, but not enough to buy new. So we ended up buying a new couch and loveseat that we weren't planning on buying and a few other items.
13. What did you get really excited about?
When I found Alex's picture on the MFFM page. I was also really excited to go see Alaska for the first time (it didn't disappoint).
14. What song will always remind you of 2011?
JJ Heller: What love really means
15. Compared to this time last year, are you:
– happier or sadder? Happier. My hubby is home a lot more. There is WAY less drama in my life.
– thinner or fatter? Thinner. Yay!
– richer or poorer? Poorer.
16. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Praying and reading the Bible.
17. What do you wish you’d done less of?
18. How did you spend Christmas?
Visiting my in-laws. It was very relaxing.
19. What was your favorite TV program?
Probably the X Factor. I was very surprised by the talent in that competition.
20. What were your favorite books of the year?
Hands down it was The Help. (was that this year??). Hunger Games, Room.
21. What was your favorite music from this year?
David Crowder Band, JJ, I'm not really sure!
22. What were your favorite films of the year?
The Help
23. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 31 this year. Just spent it with my hubby and kids.
24. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Less stress?
25. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2011?
Try not to look TOO much like a stay-at-home-mom.
26. What kept you sane?
Praying. My husband and kids. Friends.
27. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011.
God is sovereign.
1. What did you do in 2011 that you’d never done before?
I did a 365 photo project. I took a photo (at least one!) every day for the entire year. There were three days that I totally and completely forgot which really irks me, but I'm proud to say I stuck it out! I still have to finish uploading the photos and editing them...I'm still working on June! :) I'll hopefully bind them into a book. I LOVE having all of these little moments captured.
2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
My resolution was to have more discipline. Mainly in spiritual matters, but also as far as being a more disciplined mom and wife and completing tasks around the house. Let's just say this is also my resolution for this year. :)
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
Yes. There are always tons of people I know giving birth! We are in the military community and most people are around those child-bearing years. I can't even begin to list them or I would be in trouble for forgetting someone. :) I also had one close friend adopt this year and that was fun to finally see their dream of becoming parents realized in that way.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
No. Phew!
5. What countries did you visit?
Japan! (We lived there)
6. What would you like to have in 2012 that you lacked in 2011?
Besides self discipline? :)
7. What dates from 2011 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
The day that Alex got a family. The day that we left Japan. The day my son started Kindergarten. The day I started homeschooling my daughter for preschool. The day my husband finished a training he had been working toward for a long time. Those are just off of the top of my head. :)
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Losing the baby weight I had been carrying around for a year.
9. What was your biggest failure?
See #2
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
Nothing too significant, thankfully. Shin splints and some asthma attacks in Japan.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
Our new to us Honda Odyssey minivan.
12. Where did most of your money go?
See #11. Also some of our furniture and other items got mold damage when it shipped from Japan back to the U.S. We got reimbursed for it, but not enough to buy new. So we ended up buying a new couch and loveseat that we weren't planning on buying and a few other items.
13. What did you get really excited about?
When I found Alex's picture on the MFFM page. I was also really excited to go see Alaska for the first time (it didn't disappoint).
14. What song will always remind you of 2011?
JJ Heller: What love really means
15. Compared to this time last year, are you:
– happier or sadder? Happier. My hubby is home a lot more. There is WAY less drama in my life.
– thinner or fatter? Thinner. Yay!
– richer or poorer? Poorer.
16. What do you wish you’d done more of?
Praying and reading the Bible.
17. What do you wish you’d done less of?
18. How did you spend Christmas?
Visiting my in-laws. It was very relaxing.
19. What was your favorite TV program?
Probably the X Factor. I was very surprised by the talent in that competition.
20. What were your favorite books of the year?
Hands down it was The Help. (was that this year??). Hunger Games, Room.
21. What was your favorite music from this year?
David Crowder Band, JJ, I'm not really sure!
22. What were your favorite films of the year?
The Help
23. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
I turned 31 this year. Just spent it with my hubby and kids.
24. What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Less stress?
25. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2011?
Try not to look TOO much like a stay-at-home-mom.
26. What kept you sane?
Praying. My husband and kids. Friends.
27. Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2011.
God is sovereign.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Coming out of the Woodwork
After all of the excitement about Alex I decided to take a little break from blogging. I decided that I'm going to get back at this! There are way too many cuties to advocate for and I'm sure my fbook friends are sick of me sharing (but I still will!).
Here is a little guy on my heart:
Here is a little guy on my heart:
This is Malcolm. Malcolm is a sweet, sweet little boy in Eastern Europe (different country than Alex). Malcolm has cerebral palsy and is able to walk a few steps. He is in an orphanage right now, but will be transferred to an institution on his birthday in April. He is described as a sensitive boy who is being hurt by the other, physically healthy children in the orphanage. Can you imagine? Being bullied by other children with no mom or dad to stand up for you? To hold you when you are sad? Poor sweetie! He is also described as a cheerful little boy who also has friends in the orphanage and has attachments to caregivers. He is just waiting for a family to call his own. Could he be your son?? Check out his Reece's Rainbow webpage to find out more about him or to donate money to help him find a family!
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- Amber
- I am a sinner who has been chosen by God and redeemed by the death and resurrection of his son Jesus. I am a full-time wife and mom, though I hope to someday return to my job as an SLP. I love photography, coffee, reading, and adoption. I hate to clean, but sometimes do it anyway!
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