Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ode to Sugar

Dear Sugar,

It has been five days since I broke up with you. I know, it was sudden and abrupt. We have been through so much together and have been especially close since the holidays. You have been there for me when I needed you, and even when I didn't. I know on Sunday it seemed like our love was only growing stronger. My coffee creamer, brownies, hot chocolate, and ice cream indulgences only showed that my love was strengthening. In reality I was getting ready to say good-bye to you for thirty days. I was hoping I could make our love last. Alas, like most good things, there can be too much of it. I was enjoying your company too much. You were a part of my life in ways that I didn't even realize....that chocolate chip when I get something out of the pantry, that dab of honey on peanut butter toast. You brought me joy, but you also allowed me to continue to drag around this flat tire around my waist. You brought me happiness, but also cavities. So, on Monday morning, I said a temporary goodbye. I need to retrain my brain and body not to want and need you so much. Oh, but I do miss you so (SO SO SO) much. I hope that this is not goodbye forever, but only so long for a while. I want you to know though, that I am hoping to change and I may not need or want you in my life the same way as before. I may only want you on occasion. I hope that I do not continue to pine for you as I do now. But for now, my friend, my love, know that I am still thinking of you, and wanting you back in my life ever so much. I miss you.



Nathan Thompson said...

Are you doing a paleo challenge?

Amber said...

Nathan- not specifically. A lot of my friends at the gym are doing the Whole 30. I just decided to give up sugar. Still hard enough! :)

Nathan Thompson said...

Theresa and I have talked about doing the Whole 30, but haven't done it yet.

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About Me

I am a sinner who has been chosen by God and redeemed by the death and resurrection of his son Jesus. I am a full-time wife and mom, though I hope to someday return to my job as an SLP. I love photography, coffee, reading, and adoption. I hate to clean, but sometimes do it anyway!
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